Public Talks

Learning How to Mourn - Dove image

Learning How to Mourn

ABOUT THIS PRESENTATION In this symposium, I joined Kythe Heller and Andrew Shenton in a conversation about the ways that Pärt’s music proposes a self-reflective space across religious and cultural divides. Our presentations explored how Pärt’s music has been valued

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Carmina Burana text

Carmina Burana in America

Gambling the World: Carmina Burana in America ABOUT THIS FILM In 2017, I made a short film in collaboration with my colleague Dave Sanders and students at the School of Communications and Media at Montclair State University. Its purpose was

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Libera me: An Invitation, a Story, a Gift, and a Question

Verdi ‘Behind-the-Scenes’

Libera me: An Invitation, a Story, a Gift, and a Question ABOUT THIS INTRODUCTION This presentation was part of a program with the Montclair State University Chorale, conducted by Heather J. Buchanan. In between the movements of Verdi’s Requiem, I

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